Cool Tutoring

Hello, my name is Joel Cool-Panama, and I’m a graduate of California State University-Dominguez Hills. I graduated with a BS in Computer Science with a Math minor. My GPA was 3.462, and I was awarded Dean’s List 6 times during my collegiate career. I live and work in the South Bay, and I offer both in-person and online tutoring for Computer Science and Math classes.

I’m available 10 am – 8 pm Monday to Saturday, and I offer my in-person tutoring services to anyone in LA’s South-Bay region, and will travel to your location in order to offer my instruction.

My standard rate is $20 per hour for a single person, or $10 per hour for each person in a group. Payment for the first one-on-one tutoring session comes after its completion, but you must pay in advance for each additional session, or for any group session. If at any time you are unsatisfied with a lesson, there will be no charge, or you will be refunded, whichever may be applicable. I must also receive at least 24 hours notice before your desired session date.

If you wish learn more, or to schedule a lesson, then you can reach me by using the Contact page. I will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours.

Thank you, and happy learning!